About Us.

The name Bonokollie translates in Kpelle (the most common native language spoken in Liberia) to Tribe of the Leopard. This is our family name, but our tribe is bigger than just one family, and we strive to bring peace and prosperity not only for our people, but for the endangered animals, forests, rivers and the wider community of African people and the future generations. Our ancestors founded Bonokollie Town four generations ago, before the American freed slaves established the Liberian government in 1847. Our great grandfather was chieftain and passed on the land from eldest son to eldest son, where it now is held by George Bonokollie President of Bonokollie Foundation Inc. Liberia went through two tragic civil wars, from 1989 to 1997 and then again from 1999 to 2003. Through all of that Bonokollie Town served as a safe haven for George Bonokollie's dear mother, and any family and friends who sought refuge. George didn't not fight in the war, but fought to provide for his family, graduating from the University of Liberia to work on agriculture. He was admired by his community and found success in agriculture and as a guide and translator. He would then meet and fall in love with a Peace Corp volunteer Anne Bonokollie and start a family in America with 7 children. From Liberia to Chicago, Illinois we have continued to support our extended family and make every effort to relieve the suffering of our people. It is no easy task, but as these 7 children have grown and received the opportunities and education America has to offer, they have worked to establish this nonprofit Bonokollie Foundation in 2022. However the Bonokollie family is much larger than this and we know some of the brightest minds in Liberia right now that with adequate recourses and support could do amazing things to further the prosperity of the country. We will always be committed to peace and having proper communication with our community to meet the needs of the Liberian People and to preserving our traditions and culture. With the support of our donors we hope to bring the potential of the people and the land to light and share the fruits of our work with the world in hopes of mutual understanding and love.